1. Inspect FRL filter and replace if necessary. | 1. Check couplers for damage and ensure they are free of dirt and debris. | 1. Check power cord and plug for damage. |
2. Inspect FRL lubricant level and add if necessary. | 2. Inspect swivels for cracks and damage. | 2. Check remote control assembly for damage. |
3. Inspect FRL hose for cracks, bulges, leaks, etc. | 3. Make sure the swivel retaining ring is attached. | 3. Make sure there is oil in the reservoir. |
4. Check all couplers and fittings for tightness, leaks, damage, etc. | 4. Check reaction arm for cracks and/or damage. | 4. Operate the pump. |
5. Inspect FRL gauge for damage, leaks, and smooth operation. | 5. Check the reaction arm clamp to properly hold the reaction arm to the tool. | 5. Make sure the pump builds 10,000 PSI in the Advance position. |
6. Check FRL regulator function throughout 0-90psi range. | 6. Inspect the housing and reaction splines for damage. | 6. Make sure the pump builds 1,500 PSI in the Retract position. |
7. Check lubricator drip setting and adjust as necessary. | 7. Check the housing for cracks and/or damage. | 7. Check for leaks. |
8. Inspect handle and gearbox housing for loose screws. | 8. Check the tool for leaks and ensure all seals are in good condition. | 8. All three LED lights should be green (HY-115). |
9. Inspect square drive for fractures. | 9. Check shroud and shroud spring for damage. | 9. Check couplers for damage, and ensure they are free of dirt and debris. |
10. Inspect reaction arm, splines, and set screw for damage. | 10. Make sure the square drive is properly installed in the tool. | 10. Check motor brushes for wear (if applicable). |
11. Inspect square drive retaining ring for proper engagement. | 11. Make sure the drive retainer is properly engaged in the square drive. | 11. Replace pump oil. |
12. Check safety paddle operation (if applicable). | 12. Inspect square drive for cracks and/or damage. | 12. Check gauge for damage. |
13. Check trigger for smooth travel. | 13. Inspect levers for damage and make sure they function properly. | 13. Check FRL for air leaks (HY-AIR). |
14. Check directional switch for smooth travel. | 14. Make sure the link is properly engaged in the power head. | 14. Check FRL for damage (HY-AIR). |
15. Check DSP clutch ring switch for smooth travel (if applicable). | 15. Link pin should be properly installed. | |
16. Check rear cover gasket for leaks. | 16. Check hex link ratchet for cracks and/or damage. | |
17. Exercise tool in all functions, listen and feel for normal operation. | 17. After attaching the link to the tool. Cycle tool prior to application | |
18. Check for adequate air supply (FRL gauge needle should not drop when JGun trigger is pulled). | 18. Inspect the link release button (Stealth series). | |